Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Numbers

Every moment without CPR or defibrillation, the chance of survival decreases by 7% to 10%.
In the workplaces, 9 out of 10 people come back to life with AED
Every year 7,000 children lose their lives due to sudden cardiac arrests
The survival rate increases 2-fold with emergency intervention.
- – ECG analysis algorithm that determines the heart rhythms that need to be shocked with high accuracy
- – Ability to apply shock (defibrillation) with fully automatic / semi-automatic operating modes
- – Reliable ECG rhythm analysis
- – Performance that makes a difference with its fast charging feature
- – CPR and artificial respiration support with visual and audio guidance
What is AED ?
In cases of sudden cardiac arrest, it is vital to intervene in the person in the first minutes.
AED is an electroshock device developed to perform this critical intervention in sudden cardiac arrest. It is an easy-to-use, reliable device for the user and the patient.
If the device recommends giving electroshock, the SHOCK button is pressed in semi-automatic devices and the device automatically gives SHOCK in fully automatic devices.
Since the Ventricular Fibrillation of the heart is measured according to ECG analysis, the device does not apply SHOCK to healthy people.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest is the sudden stop of the heart due to a disruption in the electrical rhythm. The fastest and most effective method that regulates this electrical rhythm and connects the heart to life is the application of OED with CPR. Studies show how effective fast OED practices are in returning to life. The most effective response to the treatment of electrical disruption is known as electroshock and it is used worldwide regardless of whether it is big or small.
Correct selection of AED application and location will increase the response time and survival rate. In this context, determining the correct area in sports centers is of great importance.
– In a prospective study, while OED was present in 37 of 43 cases in which SCA were seen, 89% of them were saved.
– It is vital that schools with sports centers and private sports areas have emergency action plans and that OEDs can be reached within 3 minutes.
While heart attacks are a circulatory problem, Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a purely electrical condition and the only treatment is to return the heart to its normal rhythm with CPR and electroshock.
– SCAs that occur during sports activities or within 1 hour in sports cases and genetically transmitted cardiovascular diseases are the most common form of SCA.1 SCA etiology can be seen in athletes in a wide pathology.
– SCA constitutes 75% of the causes of death due to the activity during sports and training. A study on young athletes in America between 2007 and 2015 found that deaths during organized sports activity were predominantly caused by cardiac causes.
– Legal regulations in the areas where OED positioning is enacted has been stated that the most common of the OEDs in specific locations are fitness areas and schools or school sponsored athletic events.


Sudden Cardiac Arrest is the sudden stop of the heart due to a disruption in the electrical rhythm. The fastest and most effective method that regulates this electrical rhythm and connects the heart to life is the application of OED with CPR. Studies show how effective fast OED practices are in returning to life. It is known that the effective treatment of electrical disruption is electroshock, and this method is used worldwide regardless of young and old discrimination.
Correct selection of the location and application of the OED will increase the response time and the probability of survival. In this context, determining the correct area in workplaces is of great importance.
– Areas where electrical power devices are used,
– Heavy labor areas with offshore drilling platform, construction projects, ships, power transmission line and energy turbines,
– Locations close to people at cardiovascular risk, who have previously suffered from cardiac disease,
– Areas where many workers work closely, production lines, offices,
– Correct field determinations should be made by examining refectory areas of companies, sports centers, etc.
While heart attacks are a circulatory problem, Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a purely electrical condition and the only treatment is to return the heart to its normal rhythm with CPR and electroshock.
– According to the data of the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 13% of workplaces have SCA cases, and approximately 10 thousand people die annually due to SCA. Studies show that 9 of 10 people who used OED in the first minute is brought back to life.
– While the interventions to be made in the period until the emergency aid service reaches the workplace increases the probability of survival by 50-60%, the use of OED in workplaces increases this probability by 15-22%. 1/3 of the occupational safety managers state that they have saved lives with this training.
– Sudden Cardiac Arrest can happen suddenly to anyone regardless of age or physical condition. It is important to consider OEDs in situations that require emergency response at workplaces.

Guardson Medical Inc. is Authorized Company for the Sale of Aselsan Medical Devices.
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